God and DogGod Summoned a beast from the field and He said, "Behold man, created in my image. Therefore adore him. You shall protect him in the wilderness, shepherd his flocks, watch over his children, accompany him wherever he may go - even unto civilization. You shall be his companion, his ally, his slave.""To do these things," God said, "I endow you with these instincts uncommon to other beasts: faithfulness, devotion, and understanding surpassing those of man himself. Lest it impair your courage, you shall never foresee your death. Lest it impair your loyalty, you shall be blind to the faults of man. Lest it impair your understanding, you are denied the power of words. Let no fault of language cleave an accord beyond that of man with any other beast - or even man with man. Speak to your master only with your mind, and through your honest eyes."Walk by his side; sleep in his doorway; forage for him, ward off his enemies, carry his burdens, share his afflictions; love him and comfort him. And in return for this, man will fulfill your needs & wants - which shall be only food, shelter, & affection."So be silent, and be a friend to man. Guide him through the perils along the way to the land that I have promised him. This shall be your destiny & your immortality." So spake the Lord.And the dog heard and was content.
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Created & Maintained By
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Paw Tracks LLC