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Yes, I am a Show Dog!They asked if Im a show dog, I heard my Mom say "No". |
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a medium-sized, solidly built, short-coated dog with smooth, well-defined musculature. This breed is both powerful and athletic. The body is just slightly longer than tall, but bitches may be somewhat longer in body than dogs. The length of the front leg (measured from point of elbow to the ground) is approximately equal to one-half of the dog's height at the withers. The head is of medium length, with a broad, flat skull, and a wide, deep muzzle. Ears are small to medium in size, high set, and may be natural or cropped. The relatively short tail is set low, thick at the base and tapers to a point. The American Pit Bull Terrier comes in all colors and color patterns. This breed combines strength and athleticism with grace and agility and should never appear bulky or muscle-bound or fine-boned and rangy.
The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm. APBTs make excellent family companions and have always been noted for their love of children. Because most APBTs exhibit some level of dog aggression and because of its powerful physique, the APBT requires an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience train the dog. The breed's natural agility makes it one of the most capable canine climbers so good fencing is a must for this breed. The APBT is not the best choice for a guard dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers. Aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable. This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work.The American Pit Bull Terrier has always been capable of doing a wide variety of jobs so exaggerations or faults should be penalized in proportion to how much they interfere with the dog's versatility.
The APBT head is unique and a key element of breed type. It is large and broad, giving the impression of great power, but it is not disproportionate to the size of the body. Viewed from the front, the head is shaped like a broad, blunt wedge. When viewed from the side, the skull and muzzle are parallel to one another and joined by a well defined, moderately deep stop. Supraorbital arches over the eyes are well defined but not pronounced. The head is well chiseled, blending strength, elegance, and character.SKULL - The skull is large, flat or slightly rounded, deep, and broad between the ears. Viewed from the top, the skull tapers just slightly toward the stop. There is a deep median furrow that diminishes in depth from the stop to the occiput. Cheek muscles are prominent but free of wrinkles. When the dog is concentrating, wrinkles form on the forehead, which give the APBT his unique expression.
MUZZLE - The muzzle is broad and deep with a very slight taper from the stop to the nose, and a slight falling away under the eyes. The length of muzzle is shorter than the length of skull, with a ratio of approximately 2:3. The topline of the muzzle is straight. The lower jaw is well developed, wide and deep. Lips are clean and tight.
Faults: Snipey muzzle; flews; weak lower jaw.
TEETH - The American Pit Bull Terrier has a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors bite.
Fault: Level bite.
Serious Faults: Undershot, or overshot bite; wry mouth; missing teeth (this does not apply to teeth that have been lost or removed by a veterinarian).
NOSE - The nose is large with wide, open nostrils. The nose may be any color.
EYES - Eyes are medium size, round to almond-shaped, and set well apart and low on the skull. All colors are equally acceptable except blue, which is a serious fault. Haw should not be visible.
Serious Faults: Bulging eyes; both eyes not matched in color; blue eyes.
EARS - Ears are high set and may be natural or cropped without preference. If natural, semi-prick or rose are preferred. Prick or flat, wide ears are not desired.
The neck is of moderate length and muscular. There is a slight arch at the crest. The neck widens gradually from where it joins the skull to where it blends into well laid-back shoulders. The skin on the neck is tight and without dewlap.Faults: Neck too short and thick; thin or weak neck; ewe neck; dewlap.
The shoulder blades are long, wide, muscular, and well laid back. The upper arm is roughly equal in length to the shoulder blade and joins it at an apparent right angle.The forelegs are strong and muscular. The elbows are set close to the body. Viewed from the front, the forelegs are set moderately wide apart and perpendicular to the ground. The pasterns are short, powerful, straight, and flexible. When viewed in profile, the pasterns are nearly erect.
Faults: Upright or loaded shoulders; elbows turned outward or tied-in; down at the pasterns; front legs bowed; wrists knuckled over; toeing in or out.
The chest is deep, well filled in, and moderately wide with ample room for heart and lungs, but the chest should never be wider than it is deep. The forechest does not extend much beyond the point of shoulder. The ribs extend well back and are well sprung from the spine, then flattening to form a deep body extending to the elbows. The back is strong and firm. The topline inclines very slightly downward from the withers to a broad, muscular, level back. The loin is short, muscular and slightly arched to the top of the croup, but narrower than the rib cage and with a moderate tuck-up. The croup is slightly sloping downward.
The hindquarters are strong, muscular, and moderately broad. The rump is well filled in on each side of the tail and deep from the pelvis to the crotch. The bone, angulation, and musculature of the hindquarters are in balance with the forequarters. The thighs are well developed with thick, easily discerned muscles. Viewed from the side, the hock joint is well bent and the rear pasterns are well let down and perpendicular to the ground. Viewed from the rear, the rear pasterns are straight and parallel to one another.Faults: Narrow hindquarters; hindquarters shallow from pelvis to crotch; lack of muscle; straight or over angulated stifle joint; cow hocks; sickle hocks; bowed legs.
The feet are round, proportionate to the size of the dog, well arched, and tight. Pads are hard, tough, and well cushioned. Dewclaws may be removed.Fault: Splayed feet.
The tail is set on as a natural extension of the topline, and tapers to a point. When the dog is relaxed, the tail is carried low and extends approximately to the hock. When the dog is moving, the tail is carried level with the backline. When the dog is excited, the tail may be carried in a raised, upright position (challenge tail), but never curled over the back (gay tail).Fault: Long tail (tail tip passes beyond point of hock).
Serious faults: Gay tail (not to be confused with challenge tail); kinked tail.
Disqualification: Bobbed tail.
The coat is glossy and smooth, close, and moderately stiff to the touch.Faults: Curly, wavy, or sparse coat.
Disqualification: Long coat.
Any color, color pattern, or combination of colors is acceptable.
The American Pit Bull Terrier must be both powerful and agile so actual weight and height are less important than the correct proportion of weight to height. Desirable weight for a mature male in good condition is between 35 and 60 pounds. Desirable weight for a mature female in good condition is between 30 and 50 pounds. Dogs over these weights are not to be penalized unless they are disproportionately massive or rangy.
The American Pit Bull Terrier moves with a jaunty, confident attitude, conveying the impression that he expects any minute to see something new and exciting. When trotting, the gait is effortless, smooth, powerful, and well coordinated, showing good reach in front and drive behind. When moving, the backline remains level with only a slight flexing to indicate suppleness. Viewed from any position, legs turn neither in nor out, nor do feet cross or interfere with each other. As speed increases, feet tend to converge toward center line of balance.Faults: Legs not moving on the same plane; legs over reaching; legs crossing over in front or rear; rear legs moving too close or touching; rolling; pacing; paddling; sidewinding; hackney action; pounding.
Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. Viciousness or extreme shyness. Unilateral or bilateral deafness. Bobbed tail. Albinism.Note: Although some level of dog aggression is characteristic of this breed, handlers will be expected to comply with U.K.C. policy regarding dog temperament at U.K.C. events.
General appearance, personality, obedience | 20 |
Head, muzzle, eyes, ears | 25 |
Neck, shoulder, and chest | 15 |
Body | 15 |
Legs and feet | 15 |
Tail, coat and color | 10 |
| |
Total | 100 |
first impression of a good judge is that of a tough-minded, but
fair, alert, but gentle, man or woman. Muscular fitness
nimbleness are desirable, but not mandatory....soft living seems
The judge should neither be
too tall nor too short. If as a rule of
thumb, he must sink to his knees to pet the dog, he is probably too
tall. On
the other hand, if he must jump into the air to check the
testicles, he is probably too short.
Measurements should
be taken from the top of the head with the hair
parted or so pushed down that it will show the actual height of the
or structure of the judge. A judge of desirable size and proper
flesh should average between 70 and 340 pounds, depending
primarily upon
sex and how fat he/she is.
The judge should be stamped with a look of nobility and justice-
to define, but unmistakable after the show. The good judge has
a consistent personality marked by a direct and fearless,
but not
hostile, expression of self-confidence and that certain aloofness which
does not lend itself to immediate and
indiscriminate friendships...or at
least does not belie such friendships until later back at the motel.
a cold climate, the judge should be equipped with a double coat --
the underwear may vary with the season. At no time,
however, should a
judge shed in the ring.
The most desirable proportion for a judge is 38-23-36;
however, you may
settle for 23-23-23; or, as I have seen at times, 22-35-48.
Let's not get into this
again...All colors are permissible. I have
not personally seen a blue judge, but there's always a first time.
who tend to motivate on all fours should be avoided, as should
those who stagger and fall down a lot. Forward motion should
be achieved
by placing one foot in front of the other...hopping is also permitted
and, in fact, makes for a livelier
While viewing the dogs, the judge should stand in the center of the
ring, feet spread as at "parade
rest," the right hand should be held
firmly in the left armpit with the left had crossing over and tucked
into the right
armpit The chin must be tucked solidly into the chest,
eyes squinting. Once the judge has assumed this position, the ring
should count the number of times the class circles. If that
count should exceed twenty, he then might unobtrusively move
out from
his position to the judge's side and check his condition.
Older, more experienced judges have been known
to doze off in this
position, while younger specimens, particularly the members of the
party-going set, might still
be so gassed from the pre-show
festivities that they have passed out.
MUTE -- It is better
if a judge can speak in audible tones. His
vocabulary may be limited to phrases like: "Loose lead," "Walk them," or
more time," and the numbers one through four must be heard. If
this is impossible, a set of flash cards should be
TOTAL BLINDNESS -- Using a totally blind judge is just a drag. The
show must be held on concrete so that
he can hear the dogs gait.
Besides, some wise guy will always show up with a Malamute and take the
Judges who point, whoop and holler, or who laugh hysterically at the
exhibitor entering the ring with a particularly
poor specimen, are to be
disqualified. Likewise, judges who delay the proceedings while the
handlers make out checks
payable to him, in the ring, are not permitted
to participate further. Any judge who attacks a handler in the ring
he/she, she/him, he/him, or whatever) is to be warned three times
in writing after which he must be dismissed.
in the obedience competition, any judges relieving themselves in the
ring are to be expelled therefrom.
CANINE TITLES & ABBREVIATIONS AAD® USDAA® Advanced Agility Dog® ADCH® USDAA® Agility Dog Champion® AD® USDAA® Agility Dog® AFC Amateur Field Champion AKC American Kennel Club AMBOR American Mixed Breed Obedience Registry AX AKC Agility Excellent AXJ AKC Excellent JWW BAH-CD BKC Companion Dog BAH-CDX BKC Companion Dog Excellent BAH-UD BKC Utility Dog BKC Bahamian Kennel Club C-CD CKC Companion Dog C-CDX CKC Companion Dog Excellent C-UD CKC Utility Dog CD AKC Companion Dog CDX AKC Companion Dog Excellent CG Certificate of Gameness CGC Canine Good Citizen (certificate, not a title) CH AKC Champion CKC Canadian Kennel Club DACOF Dog Agility Competition of Florida DOCOF Dog Obedience Clubs of Florida FC Field Champion FD NAFA Flyball Dog FDCh NAFA Flyball Dog Champion FDX NAFA Flyball Dog Excellent FGDCh NAFA Flyball Grand Champion FM NAFA Flyball Master FMCh NAFA Flyball Master Champion FMX NAFA Flyball Master Excellent HC Herding Certificate HI Herding Intermediate HIC Herding Instinct Certified HS Herding Started HT Herding Tested HX Herding Excellent JH AKC Junior Hunter JWW AKC Jumpers With Weaves Agility Class MACH AKC Master Agility Champion MACHn AKC Master Agility Champion, Level n (i.e. MACH2) MAD® USDAA® Master Agility Dog® MX AKC Master Agility Excellent MXJ AKC Master Excellent JWW NA AKC Novice Agility NADAC North American Dog Agility Council (for titles visit NADAC) NADOI National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors NAFA North American Flyball Association NAFC National Amateur Field Champion NAJ AKC Novice JWW NFC National Field Champion OA AKC Open Agility OAJ AKC Open JWW ONYX NAFA Flyball Onyx Award (Named for Onyx, a Doberman Pinscher) OTCH AKC Obedience Trial Champion P1SM USDAA® Performance Dog ISM P2SM USDAA® Performance Dog IISM P3SM USDAA® Performance Dog IIISM PT Pre-Trial Tested PUP Pets Uplifting People (Therapy) ROM Register of Merit S-CD SKC Companion Dog S-CDX SKC Companion Dog Excellent S-UD SKC Utility Dog SCH Schutzhund SH AKC Senior Hunter SKC States Kennel Club TD AKC Tracking Dog TDX AKC Tracking Dog Excellent TT American Temperament Test UACH UKC Agility Champion UACHX UKC Agility Champion Excellent UAGI UKC Agility I UAGII UKC Agility II UCD UKC Companion Dog UCDX UKC Companion Dog Excellent UD AKC Utility Dog UDT AKC Utility Dog Tracking UDTD AKC Utility Dog Tracking Dog UDTDX AKC Utility Dog Tracking Dog Excellent UDVST AKC Utility Dog Variable Surface Tracking UDX AKC Utility Dog Excellent UDXTD AKC Utility Dog Excellent Tracking Dog UDXTDX AKC Utility Dog Excellent Tracking Dog Excellent UDXVST AKC Utility Dog Excellent Variable Surface Tracking UKC United Kennel Club UKC-CH UKC Champion UKC-GRCH UKC Grand Conformation Champion UOTCH UKC Obedience Trial Champion USDAA® United States Dog Agility Association UUD UKC Utility Dog VST AKC Variable Surface Tracking WAC Doberman Pinscher Club of America Working Aptitude Certificate WC AKC Corking Certificate WCX AKC Working Certificate Excellent WW-CD WWKC Companion Dog WW-CDX WWKC Companion Dog Excellent WW-CH WWKC Champion WW-OTCH WWKC Obedience Trial Champion WW-UD WWKC Utility Dog WWKC World Wide Kennel Club
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This site is intended to be informative
and, somewhat, entertaining.
Additionally, we take pleasure in sharing
our fondness for this awesome breed.
Your comments/constructive criticism
are welcome and appreciated.
"Life Is More Accurately Measured by the
Lives You Touch than by the Things You Acquire"
May God Bless You and Be With You Always Web
Created & Maintained By
Sandra Gallo Regnaert
Paw Tracks LLC